2moro 1 december 2008 is a monday...yay.....after thinking skill paper at 12 sumtink ...we r free.....freee.....fly like a bird.....yipee.....hmmm....no yet study finish ooo...how????...
dunno ooo...hentam la 2moro......
goin ipoh 2moro 2 lepak n buy sum stuff for pangkor trip da next day...huhu.....pangkor....im comin...can wait 2 go.....n cant wait for da exam 2 end.....
hmmm...wat if i screwww da paper 2moro.......dun care lo.....try ma best d rite???......wat done is done...rite??....ok .....later MANU VS MANC ....sad man cant watch....if da match was yesterdat...can watch mah....nvm..watch it live on9...heheh.....while watchin....study TS......hmmm...
OK GUD LUCKS GUYZ>>>>>.....study!!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
2moro is a MONDAY!!!!!
Posted by edmundsoon at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
okieee......5 gone....1 more left....
yay.....in da war for da past whole week...lol.......war of paper......juz finish emaths 2day...was freakin worried....butterflies in da stomach b4 da paper....hahh...freakin worry about da formulas n all la...
1 more paper left oni...THINKING SKILLS....lol.....4 da relax abit la....after emaths n luch went back then play n sleep until now....c how relax da day is...hahha....except in da morning....
TS paper is like 3 hours away from my holiday....ooo yah...goin pangkor after dat...n ipoh 2....haha.....relax la ...after finals dun stress...
dats alll...bye...wan play game d..
GUDZ LUCKZ every1......olidays is comin!!!!!
Posted by edmundsoon at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
exams...lol...hand freakin pain...
arghh...exams is over...nah juz for 2day n yesterday ...hahah...english n moral is over...yay....
i hate moral....in 2 hours answer 4 questions ...madness of writing man...hand damn pain...write non stop 4 2 hours....
ah....prepare for da next war...charge....physics next lol....
study time...
Posted by edmundsoon at 12:25 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
time seems fast (really fast ) in UTP....
my 1st sem in utp is goin 2 end in like 2 weeks...including da pangkor la..hahha....time seems fly fast n past .....
i juz posted da previous blog on wednesday...n it seem like it juz happen yesterday...mayb
it bcoz i keep staying up late for da past 1 week...
its like every day ppl will like wake up 2 pray n i will like trying 2 sleep...lol
every nite ehh...morning actually ...4.30 am oni....thanks 2 da coffee i drank ....hahah...
dats keep me n yuhan awake...n ritchie oso...ryan wit his HSM tis morning...he like memorize da whole album...
speaking of yuhan...he is a freaker...hahhah....he called my name when he is sleeping...PS...he's did not like talk while sleeping..its like before he sleep n im trying 2 sleep..lolz...
yuhan: edmund....sleep ady rr??
edmund: wat....yuhan???
n this happens for da past few nitez since i crash onto benli's bed...
n tis morning is da best wan..u know y...he like missed call me twice...lol.....n da distance between us is like 2 metres i guess...i tink he's gone mad..mayb bcoz of his roommate ditch him...so he quite crazy a bit...lol...
when he called me when i'm trying 2 sleep..i will like play together with him...i will start calling his name ...n he called my name...until we r tired n then plonk....zzzzzzz....
our routine for da whole week is like continously..is like a period in da sine or cosine graph.....haha..everyday same routine....
4.30am sleep...
11am/12pm wake up...
12 sumtink..lunch...after lunch...study...then on9...sleep 4 "awhile"
7pm dinner...after dinner continue study...then da madness start la..at P-01-19...
12am....da nescafe cafe opens 4 business...then ritchie n ryan join da madness...n sumtimes yb n wai chun...then study..this stuff ends at 4.30...phwww...dats a day....wat the....then it started all over again...
i tink our clock in yuhan's room, in our hp has gone wrong qua..since comin here....hahahh....
n jeremy low will like ..ei dei...bro...nt good la stay up late...sleep earlier la....nt good..haiz..
canot do anytink ady la bro..normal ady..mayb tis week we r 2 high ady..hahah...
nid 2 study summore ....haiz...2day n 2moro..b4 goin for da exam on monday...
GD LUCK GUYZ....BE HAPPY...any1 wanna join feel free...but
REMINDER: consuming coffee is good 4 ur health...hahah...after drinking coffee dun sleep although u feel sleepy..u know y?? coz.....da effect havent gt into ur body....its like driving da car..u will not immediately put into 3rd gear n drive..haiz...no kick la like dat...rite yuhan...he's addicted to coffee..thanks 2 me..hahah
Posted by edmundsoon at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
marks, MARKS n STudY........=.=
haiz.....studying ...damn boring......2day is the shitest day of this week so far...
coursework mark juz gt 2day...physics was ok..dat wan no complain...oni is about da freaking emaths....
haiz...da stupid test 2 marks ...our coursen another is like over 60....the other course is like over 31....with an english accent ...haiz....so da other course marks are like 50 over da marks...damn freaking easy 2 score although their test 2 marks is like 15 -20 over 60 but da marks is like over 31..so they gt half of da 15% marks for free...hmmm...wat a STUPID tink.....freak Alan.....
haiz....so,so,so........this is STUPID AND SHIT man.....da ALan is like ruling da uni ......
our marks we deserved it la...coz we like screw da test 2 n our quiz..so its fair for us lo...but no fair la..,.our test 2 is over 60 da other course is over 31...i repeat over 31....arghhh..really cant concentrate on da physics im studying now.....haiz.....
haiz...dun wan talk bout it ady la.......
CHEERS>>>RITCHIE -relax la bro.....hheheh...dun dulan d....i oso dulan every1 of us oso dulan...
2gether2 v dulan k.....
Posted by edmundsoon at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
study weekkkkkkkkk.....:P
study week has officially started 4 me lol.......studying now while writing this blog....boring rrr...study everytime...brain nid 2 rest oso mah...hahah...
JL..will likee...wooooo...'fuck dat'...hahhah
went 2 mamak yesterday at 12 wit jeremy, ritchie, ryan n yuhan..watch manu vs stoke....hahhah...won 5-0..
muahhaha...they are back....lepak there until 3 i tink....when we bout 2 go for da mamak...
ryan went in to the car n....here's there dialogue..
Ryan: Hi, Jeremy....
few seconds later...
Jeremy: hahahh...nice wan ...lol...
actually at dinner..when we went 2 V2....jeremy doesnt know dat ryan was in his car until he started laughing...
JLOW was like ..ehh ryan...u in da car rr...WTF...
so b4 we leave ..ryan say hi to JLOW...lol...we laugh...hahhahah....lol
at mamak..talk bout craps la..while enjoying the match...
wake up at 12.30...great.....
haiz...study da whole afternoon until dinner...actually not whole la..coz started study at 3..the b4 dinner managed 2 sleep a while..lol...
haiz...so now studying summore lo...
and the best tink is...juz gt Madagascar 2 and Bangkok DAngerous from my neighbour...haiz..how i wanna study oo....
any1 wan da movie ask from me k...lol...im encouraging ppl 2 watch movie on study week...
control myself from watchin da movie..wait till i finish this chemistry 1st...arghhhh...
Posted by edmundsoon at 11:58 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
chocolates n tests....
after english tutorial ...went 2 c coursework marks..gt 54.8/60...quite ok qua...then went to usm cafe..tot of eatin loti canai...haiz ..neva open pulak....then decided to go to V4....thern RUSSELL ang went to buy nips and a freakin kinder bueno dat cost 3.50....he is eating it now while im posting this post...haiz...there's a toy in the pak...cool....played dat stupid tink dat can fly...lol....ate bentley's nips at V4.....hahah...he say dat we always take his stuff n eat.....ermm...he actually offer us wan...lol
teh freakin gud tink bout chocolates is ;
- ppl will be happy
- more ppl will be happy....
- more ppl will laugh when they are happy...
- more ppl stomach will be bigger coz of the intake of air....low pressure in air...oops im
- ppl will smile
- more ppl will smile
- many many ppl will smile...:)
- infinity ppl mouth will be wider n stiffer....coz of all da smiling..lollerszzz.. yumyum..dlicious....eatin da chocolate...imaginary wan la....duh
eatin more....chumchum....slurppp...lick lick....ermm...y so salty.." What Do YoU tinK???"
hermmmmyayness...happy after eatin da cokelaht....huhuh...
haiz..test 2 tomoro n on saturday...dateline of assignment on saturday oso...haiz...so damn buzy...
need to finish on da assignment..haiz..who say dis fucking foundation year relax.....damn....shit....
CHEERS wit an ice scream....
Posted by edmundsoon at 8:24 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
swoooshhhhh....AWESOME.....phew what a weekend ...time flies freakingish fast....
AWESOME again...lol...what dat helz is happening to the time here..flies freaking fast...as fast as MACH 5...hahahh...for 2 days sleep at 5 am ...sleep like for 4 hours on saturday n yesterday until u noe la...hehheh.....went 2 undercroft for both of the days..went 2 mamak wit JL n the rest...at 4 i guess...ate brunch at 4 am...lol.....
went around 11pm...after da !@#!@$#$# footbal match between manu vs arsengal.....manu play like shit..defence like shit every1 like shit...damn dulan dat day...1 gd tink oni bout dat match is RAFAEL DA SILVA.....wow ...his goal was AWESOME but was veli late in da game..haiz...ehhh..gettin carried away by dat baby face ...dats wat yuhan say..lol..
bak to da bday stuff.....wnet undercroft 2 clebrate...wan lin n michelle was blindfolded....can laugh while blindfolded...haiz...
then sang hapi bday.....then eat drink n eat n eat n chatz...
da eating stuff ended around 1 qua..but keep crappin wit yuhan, ritchie, jack, ryan, yong bao n rrr...ahha..wan lin oso gt but went bak early..hahh..we talk like for hours..talking nonsense la...dunno y feel so energetic 2 chat dat long..long time didnt do dat ady..hahhah........
ahh..for da bday pic n vids go BENTLEY ANG BEN LI's blog --- http://flightofthedandelion.blogspot.com/
dunno y..his blog so damn high class..very hard 2 understand..nvm juz go n c da pic n watch da vid..hahah...
getting late now...moral debate stuff no yet do at all...hahha....
bye ...gd nite CHEERS
Posted by edmundsoon at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Rise Of A NO0B !!!!
this is actually called noobing, after doin sum CAf OPV n Ishikawa..dunt have any idea on dat 3 tinkgy.....decided to blog......feel damn bored la..so open la noob blog...few weeks left oni in this freaking jungle with "fantastic" internet connection just as shown in da streamyx ad...cant believe it...lol.
damn stressed up this few days...with all da test n da moral stuff more 2 come...
lucky da moral test postponed to next week..if not can bang head or jump into the lake behind ma dorm..
so, the blog says it all bout NOOB ...
it is actually not a noun, verb or sumtik else....hahhah..actuali i oso dunno...maybe my English lecturer ( MR) can explain bout it..heheh..:D...oo yah..didnt write his name coz he googled his name ..hahha......
owhhh, crap....no yet study da blur physics stuff, so so so gtg...
sooo... continue noobing 2moro i hope...chaoz...
PS : (JACK@ lim hung chiek @ ultrachiek .....when u wan start ur blog ....i n BEN LI start ady ler....u say u will start afterr me rite....u better do..if not dun enter PROPANA again..hahahah...jkjk...mayb feeling stressed up this few weeks.......lol)
Posted by edmundsoon at 8:48 PM 0 comments